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Individual Counseling

Individual counseling focused on helping you recover and thrive.  Specialty areas include:​

Service Name

  • Anxiety

  • Panic

  • Stress-related issues

  • Insecurity & low confidence

  • Relationship problems

  • Career dissatisfaction and struggle

  • Health behavior change  (smoking cessation, eating behavior, etc.)

Couples & Relationship Counseling

Therapy to help partners overcome hurt and distance to build a resilient, lasting bond. Issues addressed include:

Service Name

  • Betrayal/infidelity

  • Lack of emotional and sexual intimacy

  • Communication difficulties

  • Disconnection

  • Coming through difficult life transitions together

  • Blended family challenges

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Group Therapy

Group is one of the most powerful forms of therapy, frequently creating the most profound and long-lasting changes in only a few sessions.  Dr. Mohr runs successful groups to address anxiety, relationship struggles for individuals, and Hold Me Tight intensive couples workshops

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